My Brussels Sprout Experience

“I hate Brussels sprouts!  They’re just disgusting.  I think whoever invented them must be aliens!  They’re so disgusting.  AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!  Wait a second.  Let’s back up a little.”

“First, I was going to my grandma and grandpa’s house to celebrate Thanksgiving.  So we were there, and it smelled soooooo good in the house.  Then we were all eating and eating, but I smelled something.  Trust me, it didn’t smell good at all.”

“Then my grandma and grandpa brought it out.  It was the BRUSSELS SPROUTS!  Then my mom and dad made me try it.  Whoever smelled them would pass out!  So I tried them.”


P.S.  “They’re the worst.  Believe me.”

3 thoughts on “My Brussels Sprout Experience

  1. Oh, Brussels sprouts, how I love you!
    I adore your tall stalks of tiny cabbages in our Vermont garden.
    You make me smile raw on salads,
    Or roasted with carrots and onions,
    Or even just boiled with those little X’s cut into your stems.
    You wake up my taste buds with your deliciousness.
    Maybe Cheesy Boy’s Brussels sprouts can come visit me instead?

    1. Ewwwwwwwwwww disgusting I absolutely hate Brussels sprouts. Cheese is way better!!!!!!!🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀

  2. That’s a really funny poem Finn! Keep up the great writing!

    P.S we all know we all know you hate brussle sprouts😁

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